How to Fall Asleep Easily - Starting Tonight!

A Brief Guide, Consisting of Simple,
Practical Advice

Welcome to Easy Sleep!

Hi! My name is Brendan and I'd like to introduce you to a little book, which I feel confident will be a tremendous aid to you easily drifting off to sleep tonight.

GOING TO SLEEP - for most people, most of the time,
it's the easiest thing in the world.

Now and again though, sleep can be infuriatingly elusive.

All the knowledge about how to prepare for a good night's sleep is all around us - but sometimes we can still find ourselves in bed, tired but not yet sleeping, wondering "what can I do to get to sleep?"

The answer is to quieten your over-busy mind. To relax. And so, to sleep. Sleep, and falling asleep easily, is a very underrated superpower.

The brief thinking patterns you require are easy to learn and although any single one of them can do the trick, I've put 16 of them together in a very small Kindle book - take a look by clicking here.

Preparing for a good night’s sleep is one thing – and how to do that is so well known it only warrants a very brief mention here (avoiding caffeine past the early afternoon, no large meals just before bed, likewise strenuous exercise and exposure to lots of blue light (screens) when bedtime is close). This little book isn’t about any of that – it’s what you say to yourself, in the privacy of your head, once you are set for sleep.

Regardless of whether you've done all the “sleep hygiene” things through the day, settling your mind for sleep is what can make the difference between taking only a few minutes to nod off, or finding yourself wide awake after half an hour thinking “maybe I should just get up to finish …” or some other random concern you need to switch off from. You need to let go and allow sleep to do all its essential, restorative work for your mind and body over the next precious few hours.

Here's the front cover (in all its glory!) and clicking the image will take you straight to the relevant page on Amazon.

Should you wish to contact me for any reason at all, (and please, feel free to do so!) use the email address:

